भारत सरकार के रेल विभाग, उत्तर रेलवे ज़ोन में Station Master के रिक्त पदों के लिए भर्ती अधिसूचना जारी कर दी गई है। Total Vacancy 749 हैं। ऐसे उम्मीदवार जिन्होंने ग्रेजुएट डिग्री हासिल कर ली हो, इस नौकरी के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं।
Northern Railway Invited Application through Advertisement for filling up the Post of 749 Station Master, Goods Guard, Multiple Vacancy for Job Location New Delhi,India. Interested and Eligible Candidate should Apply through prescribed application form before last Date 26 June 2019. All Information about Position educational qualifications, age limit, selection and application process are given below.
1. Station Master
Qualifications: Candidates should have Any Graduation Degree
No of Post: 143 Posts.
Age Limit: As Per Rules.
Pay Scale: Not Specified.
2. Goods Guard
Qualifications: Candidates should have Any Graduation Degree.
No of Post: 10 Posts.
Age Limit: As Per Rules.
Pay Scale: Not Specified.
3. Junior Engineer
Qualifications: Candidates must possess Diploma, B.Sc.
No of Post: 58 Posts.
Age Limit: As Per Rules.
Pay Scale: Not Specified.
Selection Procedure / Important Dates
Selection will be done on the basis of candidates’ performance in the written Test and Personal Interview.
Online Application Submission Starting: 27-05-2019
Online Application Submission Closing: 26-06-2019
How to Apply / Important Link
Interested and Eligible Candidates may Apply Online through websites on or before 26.06.2019.
Apply Online Click Here
Notification Click Here