Students: The chance to WIN 35 lakhs, 2.50 crores incubation amount, register here

School / college students and youth working on startups have a chance to earn Rs 35 lakhs. Also, an incubation amount of 2.50 crores rupees will also be available for going abroad. All you have to do is submit a unique startup idea. If you have an idea that is different and fulfilling dreams, then this amount is yours.

Entrepreneurship Cell of IIT Kharagpur is conducting National Level Competition Empresario -2020 in collaboration with International Business Model Competition (IBMC). It is a competition of Startup Ideas, in which school Students as well as youngsters working on a wide variety of startups can participate.

The registration process for the competition has started. Students can send their ideas to the IIT Kharagpur website at The winners of this competition will be awarded a prize money of Rs 35 lakh and an incubation amount of Rs 2.50 crores, so that they can prepare for the international round.


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