Head:- IPS won, IAS lost, 15 ADG posts approved

IPS won, IAS lost, 15 ADG posts approved

Bhopal. On 15 August, the IAS lobby stopped the announcement of the IPS lobby's oldest wish 'Police Commissioner System', but this time the IAS lobby could not succeed. At the cabinet meeting, the IAS officers protested with full force, but this time the soft corner of CM Kamal Nath was towards the IPS lobby, so a total of 15 posts of ADG were given temporary approval.

What arguments did IAS officers give

Additional Chief Secretary Anurag Jain said that "As the posts become vacant, promotion will take place." You should not give so many temporary posts. Two officers of my own batch in the IAS cadre could not be promoted to the post of ACS. Mohammad Suleman and I are done. ”Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister Ashok Varnwal reiterated the same. On this, Chief Minister Kamal Nath said that IPS officers say that wherever they go, their promotions are not happening. Therefore, the posts of ADG should be approved.

The announcement was stopped by the IAS lobby on 15 August

It is worth mentioning that on August 15, CM Kamal Nath was going to announce the implementation of the Police Commissioner System in Bhopal and Indore when IAS officers stopped him. Later, both the IAS-IPS delegations met the Chief Minister and made their stand. During this time also the situation remained the same. IAS officers described the commissioner system as unusable and harmful while IPS officers called it mandatory and useful.

This is the mathematics of terms

With the approval of fifteen new temporary posts, the total number will increase to 31. In these 15 posts, ADGs are already working on 11 posts. These 11 posts will be temporarily regularized after the cabinet decision. For the additional four posts, 1994 batch officers will be promoted to the post of ADG. These include Anant Kumar Singh, IG Hoshangabad Ashutosh Rai, IG Gwalior Rajababu Singh and IG Chambal DP Gupta, posted in PHQ. An officer Manmeet Singh is currently on deputation at the Center.

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