MASHIM Mobile APP Download for MP School Education by Board of Secondary Education

Bhopal. Minister of State for School Education (Independent Charge) Shri Inder Singh Parmar dedicated e-Governance portal, MASHIM portal ( and MASHIM mobile app at Board Office. Shri Parmar said that it is a revolutionary change. Now, students will be able to do every work related to the Board Office easily with their mobiles. Along with saving time and money, work will be carried out easily with this. (Direct link is available at the last of article)

detail about the MASHIM app

Chairman of Board of Secondary Education, Shri Radheshyam Julaniya informed in detail about the MASHIM portal and app. He informed that all works concerning board will be carried out on the portal of the board by students, teachers and schools through their computers or smart phones from school premises or home itself. This will ensure confidentiality and security of students’ personal data and their documents. He further mentioned that this portal will bring improvement in quality of education and also this will make education, the learning and knowledge based in place of examination based. Shri Julaniya said that instead of annual examinations, it will be ensured that students gain maximum knowledge by internal evaluation throughout the year.

Facilities and services for Students

The quality self-learning study material will be made available to students in phases through MASHIM mobile app and along with this app based constant evaluation will also be done. All these facilities will be made available in simple and real time. This facility will help students not to visit kiosks and ensure in maintaining confidentiality and safety their data and documents and will eradicate the possibility of misuse.

Facilities for Schools

MASHIM mobile app will work as a platform for direct dialogue between board and schools, for this login will be given to schools. Schools will get all facilities, services and information on MASHIM portal and app in convenient and real time. The binding of visiting kiosks for any work will come to an end and besides saving time and payment of additional charges, it will ensure safety to personal data and important documents of students.

Facilities for Teachers

MASHIM mobile app will work as a platform for direct dialogue between board and teachers, all teachers of government and private schools will be taken onboard after their registration on MASHIM portal. Through this, teachers will be able to upload question papers for internal evaluation of students. Along with this, they will be able to upload marks of evaluation within the stipulated time. Remuneration of teachers towards evaluation and payment against other works of board will be transferred directly in their bank accounts.

Facilities for Institutions, Students and Employment Providers

Institutions, students and employment providers need attestation of marks sheets from time to time, which will now be available online on the portal of board. Attested digital signed marks sheet can be obtained from the portal.
For download MASHIM mobile app click here

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