CBSE announces new Tele Helpline numbers on Corona Virus Safeguards for Students

This is in continuation of the communication dated 19th March about additional free of cost CBSE helpline set up for students mainly to create awareness on the pandemic Corona Virus.

However, in view of the safety of all Board's employees, it has become imperative to encourage safe practices of maintaining social distancing. However, we at the board feel that this initiative, however small, must continue uninterrupted. Therefore, it has been decided to continue this facility from 10 am - 1.30 pm and 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm at the following numbers from tomorrow, 24th March till 31st March until further announcement.

10.00 am - 1:30 pm

  1. 9899991274
  2. 8826635511
  3. 9717675196
  4. 9999814589

2.00 pm - 5.00 pm

  1. 9811892424
  2. 9899032914
  3. 9599678947
  4. 7678455217
  5. 7210526621

This helpline is meant primarily for students to make them aware on how to protect themselves and others by following guidelines, how to get on with studies at home and how to plan their days effectively.

It is further informed that the CBSE Psychological helpline will continue to provide assistance throughout via IVRS at the toll-free number 1800-11-8004 till 31st March 2020.

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